You know how in the movies they break down doors to get in somewhere? Yeah, I just did that for the first time. Some people were over here at my house today, and it seems one of them was fiddling around the the lock in the doorknob, because when I stepped out to take the trash out a little while ago and lightly pulled the door behind me just to keep the bugs out, it closed. And it locked. So here I am after midnight on the back porch in my boxers with no key and no phone. Even if I wanted to call Mom (who has a spare key) or a blacksmith to come over and let me in, I couldn't. That's okay, though, because I wasn't in the mood to wait around. After a minute of thought, there was really only one choice. Luckily I live in an old house and the wood's not the strongest anymore, so it only took a few gradually building shoulder rams to bust in. boom, BOom, BOOM! and I'm back in. You know, I'm glad I realized how easy it was before the local burglars did. Gonna have to beef that up. Luckily the deadbolt still works, which is all I really use anyway. Just had to stuff some wood and metal back into place and I'm back in business.
Here's how it looked right after the bustup:

This, along with some other disgruntling things, made for a brilliant evening here in fantastic Mobile. The one good thing? The Red Sox won the World Series!
Now back to your regularly scheduled bullshit.