Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Alice Waters' Call to Arms

Some of y'all know how in the last couple of years I've learned a lot about food and nutrition, and tried to get better at eating better. But it hasn't been just about my health, it's really been an embrace of the whole philosophy of a lifestyle that is better tasting, better for me, better for the country, and better for the earth, and a rejection of modern America's food-industrial complex and all its cheap, processed crap. Like milk. I didn't even like milk growing up, and now I like nothing less than the creamy straight-from-the-cow goodness that you can get at farmers' markets and some stores. It makes regular milk seem like milky water, plus it's chemical-free. And you all know how I am about coffee. No brown water for me, thanks.

But aside from enjoying things that are more tasty and more real, it's also about supporting conscientious producers who are better stewards of their animals, their land, their product. Another element is patronizing local producers when possible to support local economies and regional food diversity. I rather enjoy trying to live "off the grid" by not spending my few dollars on commoditized, processed box-food or at chain restaurants (unless they support these ways).

And just so I don't seem like a hypocrite if you catch me at Wal-Mart one day, I don't grow stuff, don't really cook from scratch, and do eat some frozen foods (but mainly just Boca stuff and the like). But I do try to enact these principles where I can, in a way that makes sense for my lifestyle and my wallet.

All this might not seem like a big deal to some of you have been at it for longer than I or who live in places where these ways are not uncommon, like in Cali where it's all around you. But down here in Mobile, AL it's not a common mindset and its not simple to fully live and eat this way. After all, Mobile is the chain-restaurant-and-SUV capital of the South! But it is getting better here. But I digress...

The point of this post is really just to call your attention to a nice article in today's NYT, Lunch With Alice Waters, Food Revolutionary. It uses a bountiful trip to the Union Square Greenmarket (which has good milk) and subsequent lunch to talk about Waters' new book and about her ongoing mission to get us to be "a country full of people who eat food that is good for them, good for the people who grow it and good for the earth." I'm all about that. And it you want to go further, check out Michael Pollan's book from last year, The Omnivore's Dilemma.

Bon appetit!

PS...This post does actually relate back to the original subject of this blog, because having pet chickens, learning about chickens, going to their farm of origin a few times, getting excited about fresh eggs....these were some of the many puzzle pieces that came together over time to make me want to "eat better" in the ways described above. Thank you Scratch & Scout!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Monday, September 17, 2007

LA Legs

While in LA I went to the big Mary Kristen & Jon engagement party in West Hollywood. They took the opportunity to show off their respective gams...

Sheep Goodness

It's kindof a dreary Monday here in Mobile, so what better to brighten the day than pictures of livestock! The CA State Fair had all kinds of great beasts, one of which was this friendly sheep you see below.

There were also lotsa llamas. Check out this freckled friend:

That's all for now. More beasts to come!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

The 'Gump

Today's destintion: Montgomery! What a trip! Maybe I'll see this guy again:

Josh is having a party; that's why I'm going up there for the night. I've still got much to post, though. There are some great photos from California that I need to put up, and there are some other links and things to mention. This week was just a busy week of catching up and exercising. I've been on a good fitness roll and this week I ran every night of the week. Combined with the diet, my summer-long fitness regime has gotten me...amazingly...down to a weight I haven't seen since I was 21. It's rather incredible, and I feel damn good!

Gotta go now, but I'll leave you with one thing I've been meaning to mention. There's a new magazine on newsstands in the south...I heard about it in the Mobile Press-Register a couple of months ago...geared toward the "modern Southerner":

Garden and Gun.

Priceless! Here's a description from the website:
Like the South today, Garden & Gun will be rooted in tradition and history but vibrant with energy and newness.

At the heart of Garden & Gun is a love for the outdoors - upland bird hunting, gardening, fishing, sailing, equestrian sports and conservation. From a look at Jefferson's plans for Monticello's gardens to a trout fishing expedition on the Soque River to a visit inside Hemingway's Cuba, extravagant and lush photography combine with precise and compelling articles to reveal the seductions of the South and the Caribbean.

It reflects the lives of modern Southern men and women and inspires us to enjoy the fruits of the land while preserving the natural resources for the future.

Well, to the extent that shooting the fruits and paving over the resources preserves them...yes!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I'm back from another great trip to Cali, and there's much to report! And many photos! Lots going on here at home too. Unfortunately I'm in a depo all day so I can't post much. In the meantime, read here's a fun Mobile story... Nikes and porn seized from Prichard shop ...which includes this quote:
"He's not hurting anyone. How do they know all that porn is his?" she asked. "He could just be a freak, a big old freak. Maybe he didn't want to have it in his home."

Monday, September 03, 2007

Yesterday in Northern California

Good times in Napa, Sonoma, etc.

Nice view from up in the Spring Mountain District of Napa.

Lucious grapes!

Can I pick these? Mmmmmmm....

Clearly, it was a good day of wine tasting for Ms. Morales & friends.

Ending the day at Berkeley Pier. Dan enthusiastically points out the amazing scene.