Wednesday, July 30, 2008


What a busy July. Started with a visit by Mom and Dad, will end with Obama in a local gym in Friday (although that's really August). Raised a lot of money, spent some too. Mail, calls, events, stragegy, chaos. Candidate forums. iPhone! A nice one-night trip to DC. New Facebook (blech). No more Scrabulous. Ted Stevens indicted. Cookies, dough and otherwise!
June feels like a year ago.
27 days till the primary! Catch up with campaign news!

Josh in The Hill

Deep South Democrat Segall seeks a more traditional path to victory

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Heady Days in St. Pete

I would be remiss in not mentioning my own campaign after mentioning Josh's so much. There's a lot going on with the Darden Rice Campaign! That's why y'all don't hear from me much...I'm swamped.

We've been on a roll for the last month or so, picking up good endorsements from state House reps and others, having good fundraisers and other events, and getting out there in front of voters. Just this week, vote-by-mail began and we mailed out 16,000 mail pieces about Darden to land with the ballots from the Secretary of Elections, and we're running phone banks all this week to call several thousand of the best voters in that group to ask for their vote. Hundreds of people have said they send in their ballots and voted for Darden, so that's exciting...we have our first actual votes in the bag!

We've also been getting some good press lately, with the most recent hit a few days ago about the help we're getting from Larry Biddle, the guy who ran Howard Dean's groundbreaking 2004 online fundraising operation. Larry's great and he's helping us in some neat ways that will unfold in the coming weeks (none of which are this).

Also, I've had our Facebook page up for a couple of weeks. Check it out and become a supporter; that's going to be good way to follow us as things progress, and keep an eye on our site our site too for news, events, more videos, etc. Sign up for our weekly campaign updates!

Sorry to push all this on y'all; I'm just excited to share what I've been doing down here. One last thing: a lot of you out there have said you will contribute. Now's a good time! We have our first reporting deadline at midnight Friday....that's about 45 hours from now...and we want to have a great showing for this first and biggest report. The primary is just over a month away now, and we still have a ton to do. Please go to our contribute page and chip in to help the campaign, help Darden, help me!

Okay, thanks. Coming soon: a report on how I am now complete.

Josh in DailyKos

Good post on Josh in DailyKos tonight! "Well good thing the Josh Segall campaign is as sharp as any campaign I've seen."

Monday, July 07, 2008

Josh's First Video - Alabama Roots

Josh has a great video up on his site and YouTube channel! Check it out! (And see of you recognize the still shots by a certain photographer). See his news too; his is one of the DCCC's Emerging Races.