Sunday, January 20, 2008

Bacon News

Last night I stumbled upon and found a treasure trove of interesting bacon links. My love for bacon is no secret, and I've tried plenty of different kinds and had bacon tastings at my house, but somehow I've never really combed the interwebs for all things bacon. Last night was a good start. Here are some things I found:

- First, an IHeartBacon tasting of Wild Boar Bacon!
- A great blog called Bacon Unwrapped has recipes for Bacon-wrapped Tater Tots and Bacon-wrapped Corn Dogs!
- Another site, another delicious item: Eggs baked in bacon cups.

If you're not hungry but you still want some bacon love, you can go to Archie McPhee's and get some bacon-themed items. I have the wallet, band-aids, and packing tape (thanks Josh).

These items are useful, but I'm really thinking, what with Carnival season here and the chance of going to a ball, that I would be wise to go on and get a Bacon Tuxedo. Have you ever seen better formalwear?!

While I'm at it, it might be a good time to get a Bacon Robot.

And of course, there's The Grateful Palate's bacon pages, including the Bacon of the Month Club.

Once all of this has whetted your appetite, and you've tried some creative bacon recipes, I invite you to put on your bacon tux and come on over to my house for a serious tasting, not unlike the one these chefs and writers recently had.

Who said my dream of a bacon restaurant was silly? It would work in New York. I have a whole vision...

Thursday, January 17, 2008

I finally meet John Hafner!

Some of you may be aware that there has long been another fellow in town with my name, except he spells it with only one F. He is a professor at Spring Hill College, and though we know many people in common, and I've been frequently asked about him or gotten his phone calls, we had never met. But it's been an ever-present curiosity for years. I mean, just the other day I called somebody and they were bewildered that I wasn't him. So while living here this time around, I'd really been meaning to call him and finally make the connection.

Well a serendipitous moment befell me a few days ago! I walked over to Oakleigh to visit Marilyn (Culpepper, my saucy friend who runs the Historic Mobile Preservation Society and Oakleigh), and she said, lo and behold, John Hafner was upstairs in the parlor giving a reading! (He's a lit professor). So when that was over, I went right up to him and said "John Hafner?"
"John Haffner!"

And we had a great chat about what it's like to be us, and how we'd finally met after all these years, how he's my real dad, etc. He seems like a great guy (how could he not be? But what if he weren't; imagine meeting your namesake and he's a bum...) and we talked about meeting up again soon. I have a lot to learn from the wise professor who precedes me...

And so, at long last, John Hafner and I finally met. And it was Glorious.

Here we are on that riotous day, along with Marilyn in her Oakleigh garb...

PS... No word yet on whether he is secretly a member of Haffner Wind.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Cut Back, Be Frugal, Have Less Stuff

Good, important NYT piece:

Op-Ed Contributor: What's Your Consumption Factor?
By Jared Diamond
The world has serious consumption problems, but we can solve them if we choose to do so.

This is something everybody should be thinking about, and everybody can do their part, whether it's pushing for macro solutions by government and business, or micro solutions by individuals. We need both.

And in addition to the world, reducing consumption is good for your wallet, mind, body, etc. I've made good strides, as many of you know...eating less and better, walking more & driving less (fewer calories + more movement = more fit), spending less money, and just living simpler. It's been good for me and good for the world!

Llaima Erupts!

Exciting news from Araucania, the region in southern Chile I visited in May. A big volcano I saw when I was there, Llaima, erupted a couple of days ago! The main volcano I went to was Villarrica, but Llaima is its neighbor to the north, which I saw from the bus on way down. I wish I'd seen this! I love volcanoes! Check out some good video here.